Bubbles (A Narwhal and Jelly Board Book)

Par Ben Clanton

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  • 11,99$ /ch.
  • Prix net: 11,99$ /ch.
Dive into a brand new Narwhal and Jelly story for the youngest readers! When Narwhal accidentally bursts Jelly's bubble with their tusk-tooth, Jelly is a little sad . . . until Narwhal shows him that there are lots of bubbles in the ocean! There are little-bitty bubbles and great big bubbles. There are bubbles up high and bubbles down low. There are bubbles that are pink and bubbles that stink. It's unbelieva-bubble! This charming board book celebrates the power of imagination and play, and is perfect for both fans of the Narwhal and Jelly graphic novel series and readers new to the world wide waters.

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